Brand Strategy
Quick Brief
Lysol is the brand to turn to for major crisis, but when it comes to the everyday messes—the ultimate ‘bacteria/germ’ that stretches into our everyday life—Lysol is practically an afterthought. To fight the ultimate ‘bacteria/germ’, we created Lysol DTC.
Lysol is often associated with sterile environments and used in critical situations. This perception is exemplified in the show "Ash vs Evil Dead," where a character literally uses Lysol wipes to eliminate a "dead smell" and bacteria from their body, illustrating how Lysol is synonymous with sterility and used in times of extreme need.

Everyday life is messy.
We see this human truth in everyday life both literally and figuratively.
Handling feelings, tricky conversations, and unexpected challenges while trying to understand and get along with someone.
Literal Mess:
People are surrounded by messes, from spills and clutter at home or work to untidy personal appearances, making messiness a natural part of life.
Many groundbreaking inventions and artistic masterpieces have emerged from messy, experimental processes.
Target Audience
Gen Z & Millennials

Lysol likes it a little dirty.
Creative Campaign: Down to Clean (DTC)
The ads will be placed in major cities around the country introducing DTC - showing that Lysol is here for the mess to get down and dirty and clean with you.

Social Media
Dirty Little Cleaning Reminders
Subscribe to dirty texts from Lysol for monthly cleaning reminders. And if you ever want to cancel, that’s okay - no strings attached. Text “You up?” with a picture of your mess to LYSOL to subscribe.

To help “Down to Clean” gain a following, the dirty pics people send to Lysol will be featured on Instagram with the hashtag #DTC.
Dirty Pics
Tinder Ads
Lysol goes straight to the source of the messiest relationships.These ads will pop up in between swipe sessions on Tinder’s main feed.

The Team
Catherine (ST)
Hazel (AD)
Paris (CW)
My Contributions
White boarded and abandoned 50+ ideas in <24 hours.
Identified and solved a problem that Lysol didn’t even know it had.
Identified when people are the messiest literally and figurately.
Artifacts: brief, shoppers’ journeys, media placement, communications framework, pitch deck.